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TCM Review 01

Chapter 1     Yin-yang Theory and Five Element Theory

Yin-yang theory:
1. Yin is the __________ for yang.
2. Yang is the ________________ of yin.
3. An excess of yang implies a deficiency of _____ and vice versa, generally characteristic of acute conditions.
4. In chronic conditions, a deficiency of one aspect does not always cause an  ____ of the opposite aspect.
5. In extremely chronic conditions, there is usually a(n) ________(deficiency/excess) of yin and yang.
6. It is almost impossible to see simultaneous cases of  _______(deficiency/excess) of both yin and yang.
7. In the case of deficiency of both yin and yang, to tonify either aspect will benefit the opposite aspect. (Correct/Wrong)

The function of Yin:
1. _______(Cools): By virtue of its fluidity, the yin cools the body; therefore, an even temperature is maintained when the yin and yang is in harmony.
2. _______(Nourishes): This aspect of yin, in the form of Ying Qi, supplies the nourishment to the meridians (the body fluids and blood nourish at all levels).
3. ______________(Provides rest [inactivity]): When this nature is in balance with the yang, it enables us to use our energy better, recover easily from fatigue, and preserve a good quality of life for a long time.  When this nature is not in harmony, hyperactivity will exist and stagnation can develop.

The function of Yang:
1. _________(Warms): warm the body.
2. __________(Transforms [changes]): All transformation of energy relies on yang.  This is usually provided by its nature to warm.
3. __________(Moves): Body fluids and blood are dependent on the movement of Yang Qi.
4. __________(Holds): Even though the nature of yang is to move, yang also has the nature to hold blood, body fluids, and organs in their proper place.

Yin and Yang Relationships by category

Yin: Zang; Female; Cold; Heavy; Obscured; Earth; Night; Downward/Inward/Stagnation; Autumn/Winter; Lower body/Interior/Abdomen; Yin organs/Sinews/Bones; Weakness/Solitude; Blood/Construction; Interior/Deficient (hypofunction)/Cold; Slow/Deep/Rough/ Small/Fine; Structure; Contraction; Intrasusceptive (absorbing inward); Responsive; Quiescence; Conservation; Earth; Autumn; Winter; Cold; Moist; Dark; Weak; Lower part; Water; 6pm to 6am; Continuous; Sinking; Body; Solid; Blood; Nutritive Qi (Ying Qi); Po (animal spirit); Chronic; Death; Even Numbers; Salty/Sour; Characteristic of Taste

Yang: Fu; Male; Hot; Light; Radiant; Heaven; Day; Upward/Outward/Movement; Spring/Summer; Upper body/Exterior/Back; Yang Organs/Surface Skin/Body Hair; Strength/Agitation/Qi and Defense; Exterior/Excess/Heat; Rapid/Floating/Slippery/Excess/Large/Surging; Function; Expansion; Extraversive (bringing to the surface); Aggressive; Dynamic; Destruction; Heaven; Spring/Summer; Male; Hot; Dry; Exterior; Bright; Large; Powerful; Upper part; Fire; Day; 6am to 6pm; Intermittent; Floating; Back; Head; Hollow; Qi; Protective Qi (Wei); Hun (soul); Excess (hyperfunction); Acute; Birth; Odd Numbers; Sweet/Bitter/Bland/Spicy; Characteristic of Temperature

Yin or Yang?  

Yin and Yang Deficiency Generalizations:

Yin Deficiency Generalizations Yang Deficiency Generalizations
Dry mouth and throat
Low-grade afternoon fever
Flushed cheeks
Sensation or flushing in palms, soles, and chest, known as Five Centers Hot
Tender sore throat
Sores in mouth
Loss of weight
Night sweats (Wei Qi protects the external body, and at night the Wei Qi goes deep with the yin. When yin is deficient, Wei Qi surfaces. The pores then open up, and sweat pours out.) Fear of cold
Face is pale or grayish
Likes lots of clothes, fires, hot water bottles

Yin or Yang Deficiency?  P here?

Differentiation between Yin Excess and Yang Excess

Differentiation Yin Excess Yang Excess
Attitude Passive/Apathetic/Listless Self confident
Emotions Sad/Discouraged Aggressive
Muscle Tone Poor/Flaccid Good/Firm
Complexion Pallid Ruddy
Skin Temperature Cold Warm
Expression No expression Vivid expression
Eyes No luster Bright
Speech  Slow/Weak voice Rapid/Strong voice
Gestures Weak Fast
Stamina Easily fatigued mentally and physically Good physical and mental stamina
Circulation Stagnant circulation Normal or rapid circulation
Metabolism Slow Rapid
Sleep  Somnolence (excess) Insomnia/Agitation
Illness Patterns Chronic/Long duration Acute/Sudden onset/High fever/Spasm

Pulses Left is stronger than right
Deep pulse stronger than superficial
Proximal pulse is stronger than distal Right is stronger than left
Superficial is generally stronger than deep
Distal is generally stronger than proximal

Primary Indicators Upper Body Pallor/Hands colder than feet Warmth or a sensation of warmth in head or face
This is associated with cold feet
 Lower Body Warm feet associated with cool face Extremely cold feet associated with warm head or face

Yin and Yang Generalization for Symptoms in Disease

Yin Yang
Fatigue, drowsiness, likes to lie covered up Restlessness, throws off covers
Likes to curl up Likes to lie extended
Facial pallor Flushed complexion
Desires heat, no thirst, or likes hot drinks Likes cold, thirst for cold drinks
Dull pain, aches, relieved by heat and pressure, acute pain relieved by heat Sharp pain with aversion to heat and pressure in the region of the pain
Diarrhea with watery stool and no pain or swelling Constipation characterized by heat and discomfort
Likes quiet, no desire to talk, weak voice Noisy, loud-mouthed
Copious clear urine, clear or thick white discharge without smell Scanty dark urine
Shallow respiration Coarse respiration

Yin and Yang Aspects to Time of Day and Night:
Utmost yin (midnight); utmost yang (noon); 6 p.m.-midnight (yin within yin); midnight-6 a.m. (yang within yin); 6 a.m.-noon (yang within yang); noon-6 p.m. (yin within yang); spring dawn (yang within yin); summer noon (yang within yang); autumn dusk (yin within yang); winter midnight (yin within yin)

6 p.m. (sunset)?

Five Element Theory and Correspondences
1. Five Elements: wood、fire、earth、metal、water
2. Five Zang (yin): _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
3. Fu (yang): _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
4. Color: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
5. Flourishes/manifests: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
6. Sense organs: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
7. Sense: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
8. Orifice/opens into: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
9. Tissue dominated/rules over: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
10. Tongue: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
11. Secretion : _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
12. Pulse: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
13. Emotion: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
14. Flavor: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
15. Direction: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
16. Climate : _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
17. Season: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________
18. Development: _______ 、_______、_______、_______、________

Mother/Son Law/Production or Promotion Cycle/Creation Cycle/Sheng Cycle: Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water

Disharmony of Production/Promotion Cycle: Wood not promoting/producing Fire; Fire not promoting/producing Earth, etc.

Control Cycle or Ko Cycle: Interacts (Normal situation); Overacts (Pathological condition)
For example: Wood interacts with Earth; Wood overacts on Earth
                      Fire interacts with Metal; Fire overacts on Metal

Counteracting Cycle (Insults, preys upon, or humiliated by): Disease conditions
For example: Wood counteracts metal; Wood humiliated by Earth

*: When the Qi of a given element is in excess, it will overact on the acted element and counteract on the acting element.  When the Qi of a given element is in deficiency, it will be attacked by the acting element and counteracted by the acted element.

Five element points on the twelve main meridians: well (jing); spring (ying); stream (shu); river (jing); sea (he).  Detailed later. 

Five Element Diagnostic Classifications:
Production Cycle:
1. Wood not generating fire: Liver blood not nourishing Heart fire (Zang/Fu Diagnosis)   Symptoms and signs: Weakness, palpitations, poor memory, insomnia, timidity, thin, choppy pulse.
2. Fire not generating Earth: Spleen yang deficiency (Kidney yang not warming Sp yang)   Ss: Loose stools, chilliness, cold limbs, distended abdomen, edema, aversion to cold.
3. Earth not generating metal: Spleen not nourishing Lung, Phlegm in Lungs.  Ss: Phlegm, cough, fatigue, empty pulse.
4. Metal not generating water: Lung not sending water to the Kidney (Kidney yin deficiency) Kidney not receiving Lung Qi.  Ss: Cough, breathlessness, asthma, sore low back, weak knee, SOB, scanty dark urine, short urine flow.
5. Water not producing Wood: Kidney and Liver yin deficiency; Ki yin not nourishing Liv jing.  Ss: Tinnitus, low back pain, weak knees, vertigo, tremors.


Control cycle:
1.  Wood overacts/insults Earth: LiverSpleen.  Ss: Headache, distension, loose stools, flatulence.
2.  Earth overacts/insults Water: Sp dampKi function of excretion of fluids is impaired.  Ss: Edema, difficult urination, yellow face.
3.  Water overacts/insults Fire: No Kidney excess.
4.  Fire overacts/insults Metal: Full heat in the Lungs.  Ss: Cough with profuse yellow sputum, heat, red face.
5.  Metal overacts/insults Wood: Tiredness, irritability, abdominal distention, white face.

1. Wood insults Metal/Metal humiliated by Wood: Liver stabbing Lungs/Liver invades Lungs.  Ss: Painful flanks, bitter taste in mouth, cough, irritable.
2. Metal insults Fires/Fires humiliated by Metal: Lung and Heart Qi deficiency/Ht yang def. Lu Qi def.  Ss: Palpitations, insomnia, S.O.B, circulatory problems, frequent urination.
3. Fire insulting Water/Water humiliated by Fire: Heart and Kidney disharmony/Ki & Ht yin deficiency.  Ss: Malar flush, dry mouth, insomnia, dizzy, low back pain, spermatorrhea, lumbago, irritable, insomnia, red tongue, thin rapid pulse.
4. Water insults Earth/Earth humiliated by Water: Spleen and Kidney yang deficiency.
Ss: Loose stools, edema, tired, weak limbs, edema, Kidney deficiency signs.
5. Earth insults Wood/Wood humiliated by Earth: Spleen dampLiver Qi stagnation.
Ss: Jaundice, hypochondriac pain, and distension.