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TCM Review 05-1

Specific discussions of the meridians and acupoints


The Twelve Meridians



Lung meridian of hand taiyin



Cyclical flow and distribution: The Chapter "Discussion on the Meridians" in Miraculous Pivot: the Lung Meridian originates from the middle energizer, running downward to connect with the large intestine.  Winding back, it goes along the upper orifice of the stomach, passes upward through the diaphragm, and enters the lung, its pertaining organ.  From the lung, it comes out transversely from the axilla.  Running downward along the medial aspect of the upper arm, it reaches the cubital fossa, then goes continuously downward along the anterior border of the radial side in the medial aspect of the forearm, and enters Cunkou.  Passing the thenar eminence and going along its radial border, it ends at the medial side of the tip of the thumb.

The branch emerges from the posterior wrist and runs along the dorsum of the hand onto the radial side of the tip of the index finger, where it links with the Large Intestine Meridian.

Indications: Disorder of the chest, lung, throat, and the regions the meridian running by.

Acupoints: 11 acupoints

Zhongfu 中府(Lu1); Yunmen 云门(Lu2); Tianfu天府(Lu3); Xiabai侠白(Lu4); Chize尺泽(Lu5); Kongzui孔最(Lu6); Lieque列缺(Lu7); Jingqu经渠(Lu8); Taiyuan太渊(Lu9); Yuji鱼际(Lu10); Shaoshang少商(Lu11)



The large intestine meridian of hand yangming


Cyclical flow and distribution: the Large Intestine Meridian starts from the tip of the index finger, running upward along the radial side of the index finger and passing through the interspace of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.  It enters the depression between the tendons of m. extensor pollicis longus and brevis.  Then, running on along the anterior aspect of the forearm, it reaches the lateral side of the elbow.  Then it ascends along the lateral anterior aspect of the upper arm to the highest point of the shoulder.  Then along the anterior border of the acromion, it goes up to the cervical vertebra, descends to Quepen (ST12), and connects with the lung.  Then it passes through the diaphragm and enters the large intestine, its pertaining organ.

The branch from Quepen (ST12) runs upward to the neck, passes through the cheek, and enters the lower gums.  Then it turns back to the upper lip and crosses the opposite meridian at Renzhong (the philtrum).  The left meridian goes to the right and the right meridian to the left, to the contralateral side of the nose, where it links with the Stomach Meridian.


Indications: Disorders of the mouth, teeth, nose, and throat as well as diseases involving the lateral border of the upper limbs, anterior part of the shoulder, and neck.



Shangyang商阳(LI 1)Erjian二间(LI 2)Sanjian三间(LI 3)Hegu合谷(LI 4)Yangxi阳溪(LI 5)Pianli偏历(LI 6)Wenliu温溜(LI 7)Xialian下廉(LI 8)Shanglian上廉(LI 9)Shousanli手三里(LI 10)Quchi曲池(LI 11)Zhouliao肘髎(LI 12)Shouwuli手五里(LI 13)Binao臂臑(LI 14)Jianyu肩髃(LI 15)Jugu巨骨(LI 16)Tianding天鼎(LI 17)Futu扶突(LI 18)Kouheliao口禾髎(LI 19)Yingxiang迎香(LI 20)